st me (in terms of personal style)
My personal work...uninspired by anyone but the true, raw emotions I feel. not trying to make anything pretty, or shaded, the right colours, or style...just pure expression. I'll post a few of my older ones below. (I've posted them previously on this blog).
The weather always gets to me, to be honest. I need sun to function. Being deprived of it makes me a little kuku..and well, my insides float with emotion and expression that just needs to released and painted. Plus, I haven't done one of these in SUCH a long time, so a lot of other emotions have been bottled inside as well.
I call it 'Sigh'. Ah, gotta love the winter blues! ;)
P.S, I'm working on a Black & White collection... so another one is shortly to follow. Im doin them black and white for 2 reasons, 1) I never painted with black and white alone, and 2) to match my new place which is all black and white! Tryin to do the whole...classy grown up thing. ;)
The others:
These are FANTASTIC! I'd love to see more of your personal work posted here in the future.
Merry Christmas!
Heeey Abz! How are you? This art is amazing!! I love that every time I look at it, I see new elements! Really, really cool! Thanks for sharing a peek into your soul ^_^!
Happy happy Holidays!!
OMG dudeeee!!!!! This is stunning! acn't get my eyes off of it! you are such a complete artist man! I'm speachless, really! I freaking LOVE THIS!
For the love of GOD, make more stuff like this and sell it! :D
You guys are all awesome...thanks for such nice words...
Francisco, dude thanks so much-- but theyre not as amazing as youre making them sound! However, it would be neat to get these exposed! hehe... I promise you, I will do many many more... I love doing this more than anything else in terms of style. So yes, I will continue.
I'll kick your ass if you don't! lol! and stop being so modest. If i say that they are the image of GREATNESS is cuse i know what i'm talking about! so shut up and do more of these...chop-chop! :P
PS: Oh and about the classy grown up thing...you're doing great! :)
Yes! I agree with Francisco!! He knows what he is talking about. I know it's true, because I agree hehe.
I would love to have one! But since you're going to be all fancy and famous...maybe a bit out of my budget haha ;D! Can't wait to see the next paintings!
I hate to delete the previous comment...I spelled Francisco name wrong -_-'
these are fantastic, man! It's always great to see what illustrators do for their personal stuff, especially when it's so different from their illustration work. You are one multi-talented guy! Have a great holiday and keep up the good work in the coming year!
Awesome! these ARE some of the most genuine things you do! I like it a lot. cant wait to see it hanged on your wall!
These are really cool
Happy Holidays!
i agree with jason, these ARE fantastic. nice change of pace, too. very cool.
Wow! I just discovered your blog - thank you so much for posting your artwork! The paintings are beautiful, and I love how different they are from the images you create for the Facebook games. Can't wait to see more of your work!
great blog, great art!
these are really really cool!
Thank you so much! Im glad u guys like them
incredible depth to these
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