I don't know... What do you guys think? Any other suggestions? If you think I have better pieces for a header, please let me know- send me a link in the comment section, and I'll be more than happy to try out new fresh ideas!
Happy long weekend to my Canadians out there; Peace!
dude this header ROCKS! no need to change it. It is funny and fun to look at! -MEOW! hahaha
I think it´s great, i mean its a great painting, you could try maybe changing the color of your name into a diferent colour, maybe red.. it will look nice, i think, but its also great like it is now, thanks for visiting my blog have a good one! bye
Right On Abz! I really digg this header. Go with it. Looks great. Top notch job as always on the illustration.
Awesome, much much better.
I would make the edges blacker so it blends with the background.
Hey AbZ,
thanks for the kind comment! The header is good, congratulations. I liked the ice and the fishes. Keep posting! Thanks!
Yoh Friend!
Great Header!!
Like I told you yesterday (I agree with Bidoon Sukkar), maybe making the edges darker would make it look even cooler! :D
For the next header in a few months, I think you should use a compilations of those amazing portraits of yours...maybe inside polaroid pictures?? :D
Have a great weekend yourself (you said Canadians only - but I'm a great guy, so this is me forgiving you! lol)
Thanks guys, yes...I thought the frame was indeed all black-- but I guess when I signed in at home, I saw otherwise. ;) Thanks!
i personally like it man! it's fun and it's like BLAM! good job!
love the typo :D
It looks great! :D Love the typo too.
I don't get a long weekend like you, stupid Quebec :(
As for the header, it's cute, very you.. but i'd like to see what else you got!
Love the banner design!!
¡Congrats, i like very much your new header!!. and the last post, snow :D
Have a nice day. Kind regards
Thank you, thank you, thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
meow to all!
I'm so impressed with your blog. You have such a variety of art styles and photography & modeling too...to say you're multitalented is a huge understatement. Amazing stuff! Also, I thought the comments you left on jason Curtis's blog today were very insightful for a 23 year old.
This one is a winner. Great Job!
Nice and the typo looks cool as well!
Love the banner! Great textures and characters!
Hi Abz, Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such nice comments. I appreciate it :)
I think this banner art is really nice. I noticed the style is a bit different from your other work. I just scanned the first page, so forgive me if it's not. Anyway, I really like this style. I tend to lean more towards digital work with textures and fun whimsical patterns :) Keep up the great work!
Thanks for you wonderful comments..
Really nice work on your banner design. Great digital work.
Woohoo! A new header! I really like the soft texture you've given it!
Seeing this style again reminds me of your illustrations for your...ehm...it was your book right? How is that going?
I love it Abz, it's a lot of fun!
thanks for stopping by. i really love your style. a LOT of great work here!
I absolutely love the composition and the text.
*thumbs up *
Abz, I have to agree with everyone else. I like this header much better. Great Stuff!
Super header! I need to come up with an idea too...
nice work!!
Definitely digging the header. Dude, you've been keeping yourself busy. I'm digging your work as of late. Really though, the header represents you well as an illustrator/artist.
Very cool header! Very stylized and funny. Love it:)
P.S. I do visit your blog from time to time:) I just usually don't post comments too much. I am sorry:)
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