Meet Marx. Highschool drop out. Drug addict-- works with his uncle as a ticket collector in a circus 6 nights a week. The 7th night he spends by recoating his black nails, and smoking with his girlfriend in her trailer.
He draws X's on his shoes and enjoys text messaging new people off the internet.
He never grew arm pit hair.
nice wrk...n d style too
Very interesting artwork.
He's great Abz, what medium is this?
Hello Abz.
There is an un-easiness I sense with that smile...kinda too too happy (if you kinda know what I mean).
Love the way you've incorporated the character and background too.
Great stuff.
JC :)
how do you come up with this stuff, man?! great character, beautiful color and hilarious story...poor guy, never grew armpit hair...
Thanks guys! I did this in Photoshop. I actually lost the original file (it was corrupt and wouldnt open), so I only had this small version sample that I had saved, and kinda went crazy with it-- !
Thanks for all the positive and continuous support!
Hi Marx
Hi Marx
Thanks for the coment!!!
this is realy GOOD!!!!!
I liked the textures you used!!!!
MARX! Is ABZ! I know that you never grew arm pit hair… and now ur taking out on poor MARX! :)
Hahaha, no laila. I have arm pit hair! You used to play with it in class...
Oh! I forgot about that! Well... I would like to remind you that while I was playing with ur arm pit hair u were applying my make up for the very first time! :) so it all worked out in the end... I think!
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