Here is the other recipe I whipped up (literally)... I am loving that website (www.theycookanddraw.com) ...this is my 2nd submission. I got a lot of positive feedback, and decided to continue doing more! I had -- as always- and amazing time doing this. I freakin love art! ...and when you combine that with food-- you have a very happy Abz. ;) Anyways, enjoy!
I want some please!! Again loving the structure Abz and a very tasty recipe too ^_^!
Enjoy your weekend!d
Thanks TJ!! :) You enjoy yours too!
I take care that it is a tortilla (omelette) little usual, I the normal, and that throw him potato, and that use only oil of olive...But each is what is. And it does the things of distinct way. Greetings
Okay...I'm gunna kill you! WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT POSTING without warning me???????? AHHHHHH!
You will so feel my wrath!
In the meantime (while I dont kill you) I can tell you that i love this piece. it's your best ever. Even better than the previous taht yu did in the same style.
Now...WE'LL TALK LATTER...just you and me...ain't gunna be pretty !
@ Francisco & Abx: Oooh please record this 'talk'...I wanna know who will win if it ends in a catfight hehe.
Hey Handsome Dude, Thanks so much for stopping by. Hey anytime you want to send me this wonderful omelette in the mail that would be great! he he he he!
Well ,that's cute. I have never seen a recipe like this... and I love it!
Great work :)
Abz, Another great design! This style is impressive! I love it.
Thank you guys! You should all try to submit a piece yourselves...it's a pretty sweet site!
Lovely work.
OHHHH! Awesome once again, Abz..this is lovely. I want an omelet now! Great piece..that site is such a treat isn't it? And your work definitely just shines there. Love the recent farm images by the way. Keep up the fab work..you are on a roll!
Goody-good:D I love theydrawandcook, and nothing better than a nice omelette. I guess everyone has their own variation! I notice the very distinct signature and I'm in love:)
Makes you hungry,very fun this concept!! (sorry for my english!!)
Hi! Thanks for your visit, I do not have a good English, because of it I have a translator in my blog. Your also you have a great work in your blog ;) This is genial!
great blog, this is an awesome post, such a nice style. Great work!
Oooooh, this is AWESOME! Not only do I love omelettes and smoothies, but I love THESE -- the textures, the text, the cool loose drawings. FABULOUS, fabulous, fabulous. You know what I'm having for breakfast tomorrow morning.
Hahaha, yes, let us know who wins the Francisco v Abz fight. ;)
Abz, another impressive work! It makes me hungry! Slurp...
TJ and Bella: I'm a Taurus...he's a lamb...who do you think will win if it comes to a catfight??? :P
I'm giving him ONE LAST CHANCE. Ifff he does it again...hes's dead! humpf
By the way...You will all loveeee his new piece!! FABULOUSSSS!
Well, another one on recipes. I must comment on it. I simply love this style you're making them. Very good work. It's so cool! Congrats.
Your art are very interesting for me. i'll follow you!
Your art are very interesting for me. i'll follow you!
Abz - you nailed it again! You are super duper crazy talented, and i just dunno how you get all that beautiful texture into you work! Amazing. Love it! Oh yeah - if you are planning to visit Australia make sure you let me know!! :D
I love these Abz! Very nice! :D Love the textures
Really love your mix of vector and texture... you have captured that 'mamma's treasured recipe' feel very well indeed! I could see this approach on a range of aprons, tea towels and chopping boards :) ! Ta for the tip on the site too, think I might cook something up :) Great work sir!
These are great - loving the style.
They're kind of making me hungry too.....!
Ohhh I love your recipies! :) Very nicely drawned. love it! :)
Wooo :) i like this recipe very much, i hope see more recipes with your fantastic illustrations.
Have a nice week. Hugs and kind regards
Hey there Abz,
Love your barn you did recently. Really great composition. Very iconic...works really well as a small image too.
Hope all is well and I gotta say I love your little flower design you did a bit earlier in your postings...made me melt.
Bless JC
Thank you, thank you, thank youuuuuuu!!!! :D You guys are both good and bad... good for liking my work, and bad cuz you're going to tempt me into doing more work! ;)
I'll see what I can whip up this weekend! Thanks again everyone. ;)
Wheres my Omelet?
oh wait... I dont care for them... I like my eggs scrambled ;)
Fantastic loose drawings! effortless work
I love this! I am in love with your textures! I think you're in trouble in the Abz vs Francisco fight - I am a Taurus, too and we are forces to be reckoned with!!
Awesome work yet again Abz! This are all fantastic. Again love the colors and style they were done. If these were prints I would frame them up and put them in my Kitchen. Top notch work.
This surely looks appetizing. Neat effect with the textures.
you really know how to make a girl hungry! Fab work as always Abz - a true professional! :-)
I love the style you've gone with here. Scratchy and dirty, I love it!
Glad your a fan of the Aussies. Bloody good on ya Mate!
the textures here are fantastic
Great piece! I love the drawings and the textures. Incredible!
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