Gabriella! I've spent all day painting this little orphan... I had a lot of fun, and saved process work; along with styles. I don't know which I like best-- they've all got their own taste. Some more realistic, and some more cartoony & grungy.
Which do you like best?
By the way, does anyone know why some of these images are not clickable / enlargable? I have this problem often...any ideas?
Looks great Abz, really like this one.
I have the same problem with englarging and what not, but your images are opening fine for me
Hi Abz.
Looks cool:) Frankly I love the first one most. The one on clear gray background, before you made her face dark.
It's very interesting for me know your job steps. This is a very good illustration. See you soon!
Maybe you deleted the "jpg - section" in the html code.
I like most the 4th picture from above.
Ah wow, these are amazing Abz! You capture such expression and emotion amazingly, I love them all in different ways :)
Holy macaroni!! She's amazing - I love the last image the best, it has nice contrast - the lights and darks are more dramatic and the image really jumps out. That scratchy parchment kinda old canvas texture looks mad too.
my favourite is the second one (Gabriel2.png)!
Great crop on the eye shot and I love the overall design of the portrait. I tend to lean towards the undirty one...
ahaha this is great! she's got my name! it's fantastic :)! also thanks for droppin by!
HOLY MOLEY! You have so much talent!! This one just blew me away. I love the one that looks like an old photo that someone folded, to fit it their pocket. So they could remember her always. Gonna go admire her some more! YOU ROCK!
I love the first image with the close-up the best! Great likeness!
Great work!
nice! i am more of a fan with the not so dirty ones as well. Looks great though!
Lovely work Abz, tend to agree with some of the others. The undirtied version (3rd one down for me) has a clarity to it that I really like. Awesome details on the eyes, very striking :)
Hey good stuff.
Been busy so not been doing the blog rounds lately.
Am liking your food stuff too.
Love the fourth one from the top. The right amount of texture! This is such a great job done!
great work! I´m speachless.
Greetings from germany, geisslein
Oh I love the third image,really nice!
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